Tacoma, Washington

As the name suggests, the Swan Creek Connector is about strengthening connections between the community and their outdoor resources–resources along the Pipeline Trail, at the Eastside Community Center and First Creek park, and throughout Swan Creek Park. From several engagement events and online surveys, we heard from the community that they wanted a safer Pipeline Trail, clearer connections to Swan Creek Park with better access and wayfinding, and intergenerational spaces that encourage fitness and play for all ages.

Our proposal looks to transform the trail from a corridor into a connector by adding lighting and furnishings for comfort and clearing out large invasive shrubs to increase visibility and allow for better access to Swan Creek Park. To encourage trail users to stay, we’ve planned a welcoming amenity space along the trail with a fitness area, nature play trail, skate walls, and picnic tables. The proposed space is a spot for cyclists to rest, for parents to work-out while kids play nearby, for visitors to learn about Swan Creek Park, and for teens to connect with friends.

2 acres

The Trust for Public Land
